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Energywork... but make it INTEGRATIVE!

Writer's picture: Catherine WarnerCatherine Warner

Updated: Mar 17, 2023

I'm going to leave this here for anyone who is a little confused about all the energetic modalities that I provide in my integrative energywork sessions.

Energywork is an umbrella term used to describe various practices that involve palm healing or gentle touch therapy. These practices are used to facilitate moving energetic blockages, conscious or unconscious, and emotions that are stuck, stagnant, and/or repressed in the mind-body. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and therefore, these gentle practices are simply creating the space needed for the Client’s mind-body to feel safe enough to move, shift, process, and ideally transform into something more beneficial for the current state of the mind-body.

Generally, I open my sessions with Somatic Bodywork, to allow the nervous system to settle in, which makes it easier for your body to "receive" the rest of the work. From there, the techniques used are all variable depending on the client, as well as their current needs at that moment in time. For example, I might only use one modality from there, or I might use several at different places in the energetic body.


Somatic Bodywork: Somatic means “of body” and this trauma-informed approach is a manual therapy that uses holding and gentle movements of specific areas on the body for nervous system regulation. 

Using these bodywork techniques, the body is given signals to relax your nervous system, releasing trauma and its emotional holding patterns within the physical body.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST): A non-invasive and gentle touch therapy used by palpating the bones of the "Cranio" skull and "Sacral" tailbone. This in turn moves the cerebrospinal fluid, which is responsible for nourishing our central nervous system.

Craniosacral therapy introduces a slack in tension in the dura matter (membrane lining your skull and spinal cord, which covers the CNS & PNS), improving the cerebrospinal fluid flow and creating the space for the body to regulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that helps you to feel calm, safe, and rested). Regulating the parasympathetic nervous system is what allows the body to heal.. you cannot heal from a place of fight, flight, fawn, or freeze.

Polarity Therapy: integrating Eastern + Western healing modalities, concepts, and practices, Polarity Therapy focuses on feeling and palpating energy by using hands-on contact, breathing, and gentle energetic counseling. 

Polarity Therapy is used to restore, maintain, and increase vital energy flow throughout the body, as well as stimulate circulation, which helps reduce inflammation and detoxify tissues and reduce and strengthen resilience to stress. This approach also helps to enhance other modalities.

Sensory Repatterning: This bodywork therapy involves gentle rocking movements and passive joint mobilization that is used to restore the body into its full movement potential.

The client's body is moved, rocked, cradled and invited to let go, creating sensations of openness, freedom, fluidity and joy. When the body learns it can move in a different way, so can the mind. The added benefit of this therapy is that the Practitioner is also receiving.

Reiki: A Japanese healing modality, “Rei”means Spirit and “Ki” means Energy. Reiki uses hands-on or intentional energetic holding through channeling Cho Ku Rei (the power of the Universe) or Universal Light Energy.

By calling in the power of the Universe and Universal Light, a Practitioner can guide a client through their body’s own wisdom for processing and energetic recalibration - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Psychic Washing: this is a component to Reiki and a technique that involves a hand-sweeping motion over the energetic body.

Psychic washing is used to literally “wash” the energetic body, removing any jolts of emotions (triggers), cyclical thoughts, negative mental clouds, or in order to start with a clean energetic slate. 

Massage Therapy Compressions: Compressions are performed by pushing down and holding pressure onto a muscle. Pressure is then released and repeated in a different area.

Compressions increase blood circulation throughout the body. Improves the lymphatic system for removing toxins from the body. Helps alleviate pain from swelling and inflammation. All of this enhances how the body heals itself and helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions.

Central Channel Breathwork: taken from Dr. Morter’s B.E.S.T. (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique), this style of breathwork involves the client physically contracting their root chakra (muscles surrounding the pelvis) while they inhale through their feet, up to the root, and exhaling through the crown of their head. The next inhale is through their crown, down to their root, and out through their feet. The breathwork is repeated until the physical pain or emotional “stuckness" dissipates.

This style of breathwork forces movement of any stuck energy in the body, including physical but especially emotional, in order for the body to process whatever is “loosened.” By contracting their root chakra, the client is able to not only connect to their body in a more conscious way, but they are able to ground down into the earth, which creates a greater sense of clarity, peace, and feeling centered.

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